Sunday, December 30, 2012

To Do: Live A Little & Let IT Go!

I don't like anything that's too confining. I'm sort of a control freak, so anything that makes me feel like I'm out of control is a bit uncomfortable. I know SHOCKER....Cue: Everyone agreeing with the last two sentences! But you know how it is, sometimes it is good to "Live A Little" The funny thing about this  in order to do this it is important to: "Let IT Go"...What is It? All the things that hold you back. Eckhart Tolle believes we create and maintain problems because they give us a sense of identity. How twisted is this? Very...and if we are all honest about this we have all done this at some point in our lives. Do you suppose this is why we hold onto our pain far beyond its ability to help us. "If you let go a little, you will have a little peace. If you let go a lot, you will have a lot of peace"  I am learning there will never be a time when life is simple. I am learning to embrace my flaws and see them as learning tools to a better me. Every moment is a chance to let go and feel peaceful. Blessings XO

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