Saturday, December 29, 2012

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff...and it's all small stuff!

I woke up this morning with a bit on my mind. I brushed it off and jumped into the shower to wash the night away. Maybe it was my dreams the night before or just that I have been trying to kick this cold. What ever it was the shower helped out. I preceded by "Getting Ready" and headed out the door for a unscheduled appointment. As I waited for the doors to open this am another woman was standing next to me. I could feel her energy. It was so heavy as if she was ready to attack the first person she came in contact with. Have you ever had that encounter before? The office opened up and the door swung open. The girl that opened the door was smiling and greeted us both with a friendly "GOOD MORNING!" I smiled back and wished her the same. The other woman didn't have it in her to reciprocate the same. I let her go first thinking that maybe that would start out her morning on the right track. When we both were inside the building she let the girl at the front desk have it! All I could think was: I feel so bad for her & what is she personally going through that  no one has a clue about?With an entire empty space in the office she sat right next to me. She started unloading everything...Why she was there~What she was dealing with~and it struck me! Do you believe in signs from GOD? Well I do..I think God gives us many signs and insinuations, and many of them aren't recognizable right away. 

I do believe that Anything is Possible. As she shared what was going on with her it gave my shivers all over my body. It was the same reason why I was there as well. It was a conversation that my husband and I had the night before. I told her just that. She smiled and said to me that make sure to ask these specific questions when you go in today. I thanked her and wished her well. When I came home I shared with my husband what had happened. He looked at me and said that you realize that you have this happen more often in your life than not. I do agree with him. I believe that if you are open to many signs and your surroundings that these little gifts will be easier to see.  While in the office I received a text that something was going to be dropped off at our home. When I came home I found this book: Don't Sweat the Small Stuff...and it's all small stuff. I have this thing with books in a random manner I close my eyes and just let the pages flow between my finger tips until something tells me to stop and open at that perfect spot. As I looked down to see my gift it was indeed just that. Don't Sweat the Small Stuff Page: 139 Chapter 56. Be Grateful when You're Feeling Good and Graceful when You're Feeling Bad.
First paragraph reads: The happiest person on earth isn't always happy. In fact, the happiest people all have their fair share of low moods, problems, disappointments, and heartache. Often the difference between a person who is happy and someone who is unhappy isn't how often they get low, or even how low they drop, but instead, it's what they do with their low moods. How do they relate to their changing feelings? 

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